Saturday, May 22, 2010

Life is large

It's rainy and dreary out, which is okay with me since I want to get some cleaning done this weekend. It is warm and I have a covered back porch, so I can enjoy the day anyway.

If I can get out of my wanting to cry mood....

My house smells like peonies and the scrambled eggs and toast Quinn is cooking himself.

I guess life is pretty good, but I have this empty hole right now.

I think my life is a little too large.

Speaking of large....Look how big my kitties have gotten. Kitties really do make life better. Even if they wake you up too early in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Your kitties are gorgeous.

SunTiger said...

Pets bring SO MUCH love and peaceful energy into our lives. Lovely that you have flowers to fill your home with pleasant aroma too.

(Positive thoughts your way!)

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