Thursday, June 30, 2011

Obviously it takes a death to make me blog again....

I have become a horrible blogger. Hard to believe with the blogger I used to be...

These days it takes something major (or major boredom) to make me blog again.

This one was a biggie....

A month ago I got a text from my newly reacquainted brother that started out fine, and then he said he had to tell me something about Dad. I knew right away what it would be. My father had died two weeks prior to my brother finally being tracked down. All that week, before I had found out, I had had a nagging feeling about my dad and I knew there was something wrong. The biggest thing on my mind was what would I do if he died? How would I get to California? How could I possibly afford to? How could my family live without me if I had to leave suddenly? Who would take care of Zion? Well, we would soon find out...
I took on the responsibilities of next of kin and started making arrangements. The sheriff's office of Riverside had been brought in to find the next of kin, so I had to deal with them and the coroner. My dad had a girlfriend who had been in limbo for two weeks not being able to do a thing since she was not considered next of kin. She did not know how to contact us. My father had been in the coroners office for two weeks. I spoke with her and reassured her I would get things taken care of. It took me two days to make arrangements for cremation and to make travel plans. I was an absolute wreck during this whole time, but I somehow managed to pull it together. This was tough, considering I had not seen my father in 16 years and I talked to him only a few times a year.
On June 10th I flew to California. The trip out was horrible due to problems at the airport and almost missing my flight. Then when I got to Ontario and went to pick up my rental car they told me I needed an extra hundred dollars to deposit that I did not have! I was furious, hysterical and stranded. I called my dad's gf and asked her to come rescue me. She and her two sisters came to get me. I had never gotten hotel reservations due to lack of money and was going to wing it when I got there. Either staying at my dad's trailer or getting a hotel. The girls told me I had to come home with them. She had an extra room I was welcome to. This was a huge relief and just the fact that they were so welcoming and warm to me made me feel so much better and I accepted their offer. We went to the crematorium to pick up my father's belongings and then to her house for dinner and drinks. Oh and we got pulled over for speeding on the way and got off due to our sob story!
I immediately felt at home when we got there. She had a ton of cats, dogs and two goats! Being a farm girl and animal lover, I fit right in. The three sisters and I hit it off immediately. His GF and I had lots in common and she was only ten years older than me. GO dad who was 71! We sat around drank and ate and told stories. I had brought a ton of pictures to share so we looked through them. I was exhausted from the travel and the time change so we ended the night pretty early. We had a big day the next day.

I think I will stop the story there for the time. It is still hard to think about it all. I will say that it hit me worse when I got back home. The last few weeks have been rough and I am just getting back to myself.
I will continue the story soon~


Fijufic said...

I had no idea. You really did wing it. One of these days you can fill us in on why everyone was so far away from your father.

I imagine thinking about this whole thing comes to you when you least expect.

I hope you heal up. I'm sure there will be a big scar.

When you are feeling better you should write down some of the good times you had with your dad and share them with us...



Stef A. said...

Life always throws out the biggest struggles when you feel least ready. Hugs to you for keeping it together during a difficult time! Healing thoughts coming your way from me :)

Dorrie said...

I'm so glad you hit it off so well with the gf and her sisters! What a relief that must have been. Pity there wasn't more of a connection sooner.

Write when you feel up to it. I read you in FB regularly but don't comment much, sorry. {{{hugs}}}

Shady Del Knight said...

Welcome back to blogging, dear friend! I'm very sorry for your loss, Lubie, but at the same time I am very proud of the way you stepped up and tackled all of those responsibilities when the universe called upon you to do so. I am eager to read the rest of your story.

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