Thursday, January 28, 2016

Kinda forgot about this place. I think I could use this space again for some venting. Life is about to get a bit rough...


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Lubie!

I'm still here following you all these years, my Dell rat friend. The timing of your post is extraordinary because I just posted Part 1 of my 50th anniversary salute to the pride of Central PA, the Magnificent Men!

I'm sorry to learn that times are tough for you. There's a lot of that going around. I hope you will keep in touch. Take care, dear Lubie!

Anonymous said...

I hate to sound like a Dan Savage video, but in many ways things have gotten better for me. And here I am scrolling down memory blog lane and I find you again three months and a day after your last post. We are no longer in the central PA region, but have moved up just north of Wilkes-Barre, where I am running a small branch library and a tiny lit mag.

I hope everything is okay with you!

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