Thursday, January 29, 2009

Vampires or Werewolves?

Well I am still in the midst of construction chaos. It hasn't been bad. The guys doing the work are nice. The young one just started a business and this is his first big job. He is doing great. This job will hopefully help him to get more jobs and I would give him any recommendations he needs. So much for ever getting the pictures uploaded. One of these days...
I spent the last few days entranced by the first two books of The Twilight Saga. They were so good. It took me about a day to read each one. I am dying to read the next two and to see the movie. So what would you rather be? A Vampire or a Werewolf? I have always been captivated by both, but I think I would rather be a Werewolf. I swear sometimes I must already have some Werewolf blood in me with how hot my body gets and how hairy I am! If you were a werewolf you would still get to be a human sometimes and I would hate to have to hide from the sun. I am happy just staying human though. I don't think I would be good at either of them anyway since I don't like to kill. I really am looking forward to seeing the new Underworld movie too. I think I will make my husband take me on a date!
Today I am off to pick out flooring. We have to drive over to Lancaster for it. It is so exciting to know that my kitchen will soon be done. Pictures soon! Promise~


Sammi said...

My girlie and her friends all went gaagaa over that book series!
I don't think I'd make a very good vampire, because I don't like blood - though I'm about as white as they are! Don't think I'd make a good werewolf either, because I can't stand not shaving - I'd go berzerk if I suddenly had LOTS of hair ALL OVER. Guess I'd better just stick to being the tooth fairy...

TheLubeFaerie said...

and I will stick to being the Lube fairy~

greeneyes67 said...

We watched the movie "Skinwalkers" on cable last night. It was awesome! Those wherewolves were certainly sexy as hell. I don't know which I prefer, vampires have their appeal too...

Good luck on the construction. Sounds like a lot of chaos but it will be worth it :)

SunTiger said...

I'm joining the werewolf pack. {Definitely.} I not hairy or very warm . . . but don't mind the idea of running super fast through the woods; not at all.

Flying on tree-tops would definitely be an advantage of vampires (depending on which story-line we follow). Twilight definitely made that capability look very appealing. Climbing up the sides of buildings (e.g., in other movies)? Not such an alluring idea.

Oh -- and you're not THAT hairy, LubeFaerie. LOL.

Dorrie said...

I've never heard of those books. I'm with Sammi, not a werewolf or a vampire... furies are good, though!

Tristram said...

Vampires are hotter and get more action but as Underworld proved, unless you're the uber vampire Werewolves make Vampire's look like pussies!

I'm a Lycan (werewolf) all the way!

Anonymous said...

I won't read those books but I would definitely rather be a vampire.

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